1:1 Integral Mother Support

Kelly supports the nonclinical adjustment into motherhood. She works with expectant and new mothers in a confidential and non-judgemental approach addressing the development, inner clarity, and highest potential of the mother. Support sessions do not offer parenting advice, rather Kelly works with mothers cultivate their own inner wisdom, the place where they can become attuned within themselves and their families.

Kelly holds a graduate’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. She is a certified Vedic Counselor, certified doula and is trained in meditation and the healing arts. She offers complimentary consultations, in-person and virtual sessions, and approachable pricing.

Don’t let this opening pass you by.

Book Here

or email kelly@powerfulpostpartum.com

Sessions are 45 minutes each and babies are welcome.

These support sessions are intended to offer non-clinical social and educational support to new mothers specifically (not the general population), and support sessions do not replace the care of psychologists, therapists, or other healthcare professionals. I don’t make any guarantees about the results of the information on this website or our work together.


Kelly began public speaking at the age of seven in her parish church. Public speaking remained a part of her life through her professional career in NYC and now as an author and advocate for mothers. Kelly is available for speaking engagements, podcasts, and group meditations always bringing authenticity, clarity, and insight around the topic of growth in motherhood.

Book Here


Social support in motherhood can positively impact maternal well being.

Join us for a seven week series supporting the new motherhood journey. First time and seasoned mother with babies 1-12 months are welcome to join for a supportive circle of connection, support, and discovery.

Facilitator, Kelly Van Zandt is the author of Powerful Postpartum. She holds a graduate’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and is certified as a Vedic Counselor, Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, Healing Arts, and Unity Meditation.

Week 1: Welcome

Establish connection, sharing birth experiences (optional and only as comfortable), gentle grounding exercise.

Week 2: Shifting Identities – “Who am I now?”

Explore changes in identity, embrace the transition to motherhood, visualization exercise to imagine a supportive version of "new mom self."

Week 3: Navigating Relationships (Partner, Friends, Family)

Discuss the impact of motherhood on relationships, explore ways to strengthen connections, unity exercise.

Week 4: Managing Expectations

Explore the many ways motherhood is as expected and different than expected while embracing the new reality of motherhood.

Week 5: Ups and Downs of Motherhood

What is going well, and what are you finding most difficult? What do you need help problem solving?

Week 6: Maternal Mental Health

Gain the latest info and evidence base research about the maternal mind.

Week 7: Reflecting and Building Lasting Connections

Reflect on the journey and set intentions for continued support.

Location, Rumson, NJ . Wednesdays 9-9:45am . $199